MIP Technologies and Supelco launch a new selective SPE product for the extraction of amphetamine and related drugs

10 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

MIP Technologies AB and Supelco, a division of Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, announce today the launch of a new SupelMIP™ product for the selective extraction of amphetamine and related drugs.

A simple, fast, selective and highly sensitive SPE product has been developed for trace level determinations in forensic, toxicological and pharmaceutical testing. The SPE phase has been evaluated for amphetamine, methamphetamine, phentermine, MDA, MDMA and MDEA. Recoveries are high and the extracts show minimized ion suppression in urine and oral fluids.

"SupelMIP SPE-Amphetamines expand the SupelMIP product portfolio into the drugs of abuse area. The detection levels are in the low ppt (part per trillion) range, which is far lower than competing extraction phases on the market and makes the SupelMIP product ideal for difficult forensic applications where drug concentrations may be low and sensitivity is critical," said Dr Christine Widstrand, VP Sales and Marketing at MIP Technologies.

The product is currently being tested at the hospital laboratory in Angelholm, Sweden. This laboratory is accredited for drug screening in workplaces and schools as well as being a confirmative testing reference site for the southern part of Sweden. "We are very excited to test this new class-selective SPE phase," said Carl Magnusson, Head of the department of Clinical Chemistry, Angelholm Hospital.

"This new SPE phase provides added value to the customers by being efficiently class-selective and allowing for lower limits of quantitation for the confirmation of this common drug of abuse," said An Trinh, Product Manager, Supelco.

The SPE sorbents based on molecularly imprinted polymers have been developed by MIP Technologies.

