MiRBase 13.0 Published Today – Febit First to Offer Biochip

11 Mar 2009
admin admin

The latest version 13.0 of the miRBase has been published today from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

The release 13.0 of the database contains 9539 entries (compared to 8619 in version 12.0) representing 937 new sequences of hairpin precursor miRNAs, expressing 9169 mature miRNA products, in 103 species. The data are freely available.

The content of miRBase version 13.0 is already available from febit for microarray analysis. This new biochip can be ordered for application at Geniom RT Analyzer or as a full service from febit. With its unique and highly flexible biochip production technology febit can offer every biochip content within hours for high end microarray analysis.

