MixMate minimizes hand-arm vibration risks

25 Aug 2008

Eppendorf MixMate is the first vortexer to be available with independently verified data showing the low transfer of hand-arm vibration during its operation.

EU Directive 2002/44EG addresses the need for regulations protecting employees from hazardous mechanical vibration. Above certain limits, regular and frequent exposure to hand-arm vibration leads to an increased risk of painful and disabling disorders of the blood vessels, nerves, joints and muscles of the hand, wrist and arms, including carpal tunnel syndrome.

Using a vortexing procedure to mix liquids causes transfer of vibration to the hand and arm, so posing a theoretical risk. However, in line with Eppendorf’s ergonomic concept, and with the protection of the user in mind, the actual risk and daily maximum dose of exposure incurred by the Eppendorf mixer MixMate with integrated vortexing function were analyzed and summarized by the independent British institution “Industrial Noise & Vibration Centre”. The results making MixMate the first vortexer for which detailed hand-arm vibration data is available.

Dr. Sabine Kühn, Eppendorf’s MixMate product manager, underlines the importance of the MixMate vibration data: ‘The independent assessment showed a significantly lower level of hand-arm vibration transfer from Eppendorf MixMate compared with a commonly used vortexer from another manufacturer. Our customers can be reassured that MixMate’s optimised 2-dimensional rotating motion not only reduces hand-arm vibration to very safe levels, it also provides rapid, reproducible mixing and vortexing for numerous tube and plate formats.’

