Molecular Devices Introduces MetaMorph® NX Software

6 Jan 2011
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

MetaMorph NX Software, the next generation of MetaMorph Software, streamlines the workflow for all tasks and provides an entirely new user-centered interface. With one-click access to features, integrated hardware setup, and synchronized, unobstructed views of your data, you can become an imaging expert in minutes.

In the new patent-pending Dataset View, all of the images and data that belong to a dataset stay together in one organized workspace. The Dataset View displays images in a grid using a layout that you specify - select a view mode to organize any number of images by time point, channel (wavelength), stage position, Z position, and so on.

The tab-based "ribbon" interface provides convenient access to the most commonly used options. Select an acquisition mode and only the options that are relevant to the mode appear, guiding you quickly through the task by providing just the right tools at the right time. The ribbon's left-to-right workflow sets the path for hardware configuration, experiment setup, image acquisition, and data analysis, while extensive tooltips and online help offer assistance along the way. To make things even easier, you can create your own shortcuts to the options you use most.

Built-in Hardware Setup and Device Control
Installing and configuring microscope devices and cameras takes only a few steps using the options on the Hardware Setup tab. MetaMorph NX Software does not impose limits on how hardware is configured - any supported component can be configured as a magnification or illumination component. And, because MetaMorph NX Software leverages the continuous development of drivers throughout its history, it supports more high quality drivers for devices and components than any other imaging software application on the market.

Exceptional Display Performance and Multi-Tasking Capability
With its new multi-threading capability, MetaMorph NX Software remains responsive during even the longest acquisitions. You can analyze data and inspect images as they are acquired and run multiple measurements at the same time. Multi-threading also allows for asynchronous control of hardware peripherals, improving the speed of acquisitions.

Comprehensive Uncomplicated Image Acquisition
The numerous options for image acquisition continue in MetaMorph NX Software but the new interface and workflow simplify the configuration process and eliminate the need for journals or macros. In most cases, you can select an acquisition mode and configure a single or multidimensional image acquisition using just the settings on the ribbon.

In multidimensional acquisition mode, MetaMorph NX Software saves images as they are acquired and automatically stores acquisition settings. You will never lose your work, and you can quickly repeat an acquisition at a later date using the stored settings.

