NANOSIGHT LM20 Bench-top Nanoparticle Characterisation System

6 Nov 2011

NanoSight Ltd announces the launch of the NANOSIGHT LM20; a bench-top system for rapid and easy sizing, and counting of individual nanoscale particles in suspension.

The new system builds on the success of the NANOSIGHT LM10 and includes precision mechanics and newly developed software that gives the non-microscope user the ability to easily analyse nanoparticles down to 15nm, (dependent on material) in a matter of seconds.

The NANOSIGHT LM20 offers the ability to obtain higher resolution particle size distribution profiles than other more time-consuming and expensive methods, from samples with minimal sample pre-treatment i.e. dilution with a suitable solvent to an acceptable concentration range. The NANOSIGHT LM20 uses a patented illumination method using a laser light source to visualise nanoscale particles on an individual basis moving under Brownian motion. The system instantly recognises and quantifies polydisperse and multimodal samples as well as agglomerates and contaminants.

The NanoSight Tracking Analysis (NTA) analytical software package can directly and simultaneously measure the dynamic behaviour and thus hydrodynamic size of each and every particle in a suspension and avoids the problems associated with the intensity bias to larger particles inherent in other bulk measurement dynamic light scattering techniques. The software enables real-time dynamic nano-particle visualisation from which independent quantitative estimation of particle size and size distribution can be immediately obtained

The NANOSIGHT LM20 system has been developed with customers to support their growing research needs across the chemical and biotechnology industries. The system enables non-microscope users to quickly and accurately analyse nanoparticles in suspension and serves as an important complement to light scattering techniques, such as Photon Correlation Spectroscopy.

Malvern Instruments acquired NanoSight in September 2013.

