National Cancer Research Institute, Japan validate predictive biomarkers on a clinical scale using Nonlinear Dynamics’ SameSpots technology

4 Oct 2007

Nonlinear Dynamics Ltd, the company solving problems in proteomics, genomics, biomarker discovery and clinical diagnostics today announced that the National Cancer Research Institute (Tokyo, Japan) is successfully using Progenesis SameSpots as part of its biomarker discovery program.

The National Cancer Research Institute adopted this new technology to support its mission of advancing knowledge in cancer prevention, diagnosis and therapy for cancer control. Progenesis SameSpots offers a major breakthrough in the analysis of 2D single stain and DIGE images, creating new possibilities for 2D based proteomics research.

The new technology has quickly shown its value. Dr. Kondo and his group are identifying biomarker candidates for prediction of response to the chemotherapy (gefitinib, Iressa) in lung adenocarcinoma using Progenesis SameSpots. This is important research because in Japan, while the incidence of stomach cancer is decreasing those of lung, colorectal and breast cancers are increasing. Dr. Kondo also discovered biomarker candidates for prediction of early metastasis post surgery in gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). Dr. Kondo said, “We will be able to select the patients who are destined to have recurrence and improve their clinical outcome by adjuvant chemotherapy.“ Dr. Kondo and his team are developing biomarkers to predict the lymph node metastasis in esophageal cancer, the early recurrence in hepatocellular carcinoma, and the response to neo-adjuvant chemotherapy in osteosarcoma. Prediction performance of the identified biomarkers is extensively validated in a clinical-scale sample set in his laboratory.

The unique image alignment of SameSpots offers users a streamlined, faster 2D workflow, largely through the elimination post analysis editing. This significantly speeds up the 2D analysis process and reduces the subjectivity which user-operated editing introduces. The SameSpots approach also provides increased statistical power, which generates reliable results that can be used with confidence.

Dr. Kondo from the National Cancer Research Institute said, “In clinical proteome research, many samples must be analyzed because of individual differences. We are currently running more than 1500 2D-DIGE gels per year. Progenesis SameSpots accurately analyses such large gel numbers in a very short period. We also need to use data-mining tools effectively, which makes matching very important. Progenesis SameSpots generates good data for data-mining study.”

Will Dracup, CEO of Nonlinear Dynamics said, “Progenesis SameSpots was only introduced into the Asia/Pacific market late last year so this result shows SameSpots technology can generate real impact with clinical relevance in an incredibly very short time. We will be showcasing our software in Korea next week at the HUPO 6th annual world congress to increase awareness of this technology and what it can help you achieve”
