National Physical Laboratory purchases state-of-the-art OCT scanner from Michelson Diagnostics to use in groundbreaking research

22 Apr 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The UK’s National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has taken delivery of a state-of-the-art Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scanner from Kent-based Michelson Diagnostics Ltd. The OCT scanner will be used in NPL’s leading-edge research into quantifying results from this new type of medical imaging technology.

“Our research will underpin the application of OCT imaging to a huge range of applications, such as in diagnosis of cancer, tissue engineering and new ways of looking at tooth decay and dental biomaterials”, said Dr Pete Tomlins, leader of the research team at NPL. “We aim to measure the optical properties of biological materials from OCT scans – traceable measurements will enable clinicians to take important treatment decisions from the images, with confidence in their accuracy.”

NPL chose the Michelson Diagnostics EX1301 OCT scanner in a competitive tender, after evaluating performance of several competing products. The EX1301 provides double the image resolution, by virtue of its novel optical design – a key factor affecting the decision, according to Dr Tomlins.

Optical Coherence Tomography is a new type of medical imaging technology that can provide sub-surface images of biological tissue at far higher resolution than is possible with ultrasound, MRI or CT scanners. It uses a low-power laser, safe to patients and clinicians, to perform the scan, and can be used during an operation or clinical procedure, to see changes in tissue that are caused by disease.
