New 1.7um UHPLC Phase Chemistries

28 Mar 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

1.7um Fortis particles for UHPLC were launched in 2010, providing the ability to quickly develop new methods with high speed, efficiency and resolution.

The performance of the phase has been shown to be exceptional by several large organisations with whichever UHPLC platform you are running. The particles are based on the same principles as the companies analytical sizes allowing full scaleability from UHPLC right through to Prep scale, meaning efficient method transfer between not only internal laboratories but also external organisations.

Now Fortis Technologies has added to the phase chemistries available, expanding the range with its polar endcapped (Fortis H2o) functionality as well as adding a HILIC DIOL and an Amino phase chemistry to the existing 1.7um UHPLC range. This now brings the total offering to 8 phase chemistries, the widest range of selectivity to the efficiency already afforded by the UHPLC particle size. Request the new UHPLC brochure to see the full listing.

“UHPLC technology is expanding rapidly as more people see the benefits that can be achieved, the column is central and we are now providing the additional selectivity as well as high efficiency which is critical in achieving robust separations” stated Mark Woodruff, Sales and Marketing Director at Fortis Technologies.

