New Aluminium Tube Decapper Avoids Need to Thaw Samples

6 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Micronic Europe BV announces the new Aluminium Decapper. Ideal for laboratories handling smaller numbers of cryogenically stored samples it enables quick and simple opening of lightly frozen sample storage tubes.

With increasing pressure to ensure long term stored sample integrity - more and more laboratories are turning to cryostorage solutions. However accessing cryostored samples without subjecting them to the potential degradation that can arise from repeated freeze/thaw cycles has until now presented a challenge.

The sturdy Aluminium Decapper-8 offers users the ability to simultaneously open a row of eight lightly frozen capped storage tubes thereby avoiding the need to first thaw your samples. Compatible with wide ranging tube sizes (0.50ml, 0.75ml, 1.10ml, 1.40ml and 2.50ml) the Aluminium Decapper-8 offers quick, convenient and smooth removal of lightly frozen tube caps.

Micronic also offers a range of low cost manual tools for removing TPE (Thermo Plastic Elastomer) and Screw Caps from sample storage tubes. Constructed in solvent-resistant polypropylene the Manual Decapper-1 is the perfect tool for users looking to remove individual TPE Caps. The polypropylene Manual Decapper-8 offers users the ability to remove individual caps in rows of eight, or one Capband-8, at a time. For screw cap tubes, Micronic offers a unique 'one turn' Screw Capping / Decapping tool.

Dedicated to the design and production of innovative sample storage tubes, accessories and instruments over the last 25 years, Micronic is uniquely able to offer laboratories the expert advice to help them safeguard one of its most valuable assets - its samples.

