New Analytical Service Identifies Native Protein Complexes from Mammalian Cells

14 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

A new and innovative mass spectrometry-based detection service developed to help researchers better understand protein interactions and their contributions to cell signaling and metabolism is now available from Dualsystems Biotech AG.

Designed to identify the composition of protein complexes directly from mammalian cells, CaptiVate™ Interactor Analysis is a comprehensive service that includes the generation of a stably transfected cell line expressing the protein of interest, double affinity purification of the bait protein complex, and analysis by a state-of-the-art LTQ Orbitrap mass spectrometer for peptide sequencing. The analysis takes approximately three months from receipt of the cDNA encoding of the protein of interest and includes a comprehensive report and list of interactors ranked according to confidence.

The customized CaptiVate™ service is a three-part process that begins with the establishment of a stable cell line expressing the bait uniformly across the cell population. The bait protein expression is tested by western blot analysis. The bait protein complex is then purified using Strep and HA tags to reduce background. The resulting protein complex is analyzed by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry to provide an accurate and comprehensive identification of proteins. Contaminants and non-specific background are eliminated through database filtering.

