New Animal Origin Free (AOF) Enzymes For Biomedical, Primary & Stem Cell Research

5 Jun 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Visit Worthington at ISSCR booth #900 to complete a short ‘Primary Stem Cell Isolation’ survey and enter a drawing to win a new iPod.

Worthington Biochemical now produces collagenase and several proteases certified Animal Origin Free (AOF) to eliminate BSE/TSE (prion) and mammalian virus contamination risks associated with bovine and other animal-sourced enzymes for biomedical, primary and stem cell isolation and other bioprocessing related applications.

Non-mammalian AOF collagenase, neutral protease, recombinant DNase I, RNase T1 and other AOF plant and fungal sourced proteases are now available in bulk quantities.

Also request a copy of Worthington's new Tissue Dissociation Guide that is available to assist researchers with selecting enzymes, developing and optimizing protocols and better understanding the process of enzymatic primary cell isolation and tissue dissociation. The guide discusses the enzymes most commonly used, their handling and specificity, and includes hundreds of new detailed cell and species-specific references.

