New Automated TLC Plate Reader Range

29 Apr 2009
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Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, is delighted to introduce its ChromaScan range of cost-effective automated TLC plate readers for rapid, accurate documentation and analysis of non-radioactive TLC (thin-layer chromatography) plates.

The range of ChromaScan and ChromaScan Lite both feature a high-resolution 16 bit, colour CCD camera inside a darkroom and with just a few simple mouse clicks, can in seconds, provide accurate results as TLC plate images or chromatograms. These GLP compliant systems are compact enough to fit inside a fume hood and can be supplied with a PC, or can be connected to an existing laboratory PC.

The darkrooms for ChromaScan and ChromaScan Lite are designed with overhead UV (254 and 365 nm) and white lighting providing the flexibility to automatically image all fluorescent or visible TLC plates. Only the ChromaScan darkroom is computer controlled and its camera has a motorised zoom lens with feedback, making ChromaScan the best choice for scientists wanting full process automation.

To analyse the results, ChromaScan users have the option to add ChromaTools software to either system. With ChromaTools researchers can use the software’s effective pixels feature to generate publication quality 2D images of up to 5.5m pixels. This means it is possible to separate close TLC spots and produce accurate results. ChromaTools software can automatically analyse TLC spots to generate Rf data or chromatogram peaks to provide quantitative information such as the percentage total activity for each peak, thus reducing the time scientists spend performing manual calculations.

Laura Sullivan, Syngene’s Divisional Manager commented: “Scientists often need a fast, accurate method of getting results from their TLC plates but cannot do this by manual measurements. This is why we utilised Syngene’s extensive design expertise with imaging systems and software to develop our ChromaScan range. Both systems are affordably priced, yet can generate accurate data in seconds, which makes ChromaScan perfect for any researcher looking for rapid, reproducible TLC analysis.”

