New Autosampler Brochures

8 May 2006
Kerry Parker

SMI-LabHut have just released a new series of up-to-date brochures for the innovative HTA autosampler range. There are four brochures available:

  • HT250D Duet – Combined headspace analysis and liquid sample injection in one unit!
  • HT200H – Headspace GC autosampler that works with most models of GC.
  • HT300A/HT310A – Liquid GC autosampler compatible with all popular GCs.
  • HTA Autosamplers – A general brochure including a shorter feature on the HT250D Duet, HT200H, and HT300A/HT310A. It also features the HT300L, the universal HPLC autosampler for use with most systems.

HTA autosamplers may be mounted on virtually any GC system with handshaking and full control can be achieved using software packages such as Agilent Chemstation®.

Brochures can be requested by emailing or by calling +44 (0)1452 310210.
Additionally, PDF versions of each of the brochures are available on the corresponding product webpage at

