New Chemistry Offerings at Pittcon 2007

1 Mar 2007

New columns from Waters Corporation were displayed at Pittcon 2007. The new range of HPLC and UPLC® columns offer many distinct advantages to separation scientists. All of the new columns are described in Waters’ brand new 2007 Chromatography Columns, Waters Quality Parts® and supplies catalog (order #720001941EN).

ACQUITY® UPLC HSS T3 Columns for UPLC Separations

The ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 columns feature new 1.8 µm high-strength silica (HSS) particles designed specifically for UPLC applications. These new columns contain the first ultra-high purity silica-based particles optimized for routine use at pressures up to 15,000 psi (1,000 bar).

The first bonded phase to be introduced, HSS T3 is aimed at separating water-soluble, polar organic molecules via reversed-phase UPLC technology in pharmaceutical and fine chemical applications. This is an important expansion of the choice of selectivity available to scientists routinely utilizing UPLC column technology.

The ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 columns join the ACQUITY UPLC BEH Technology™ column family which includes the C18, C8, Shield RP18, Phenyl and HILIC chemistries, all of which are designed and tested for use with Waters ACQUITY UPLC systems. ACQUITY UPLC columns are available in 1.0 and 2.1 mm internal diameters (ID) with lengths from 30 to 150 mm. For more information visit

Atlantis® T3 Columns for HPLC Separations

Like ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 columns, the new Atlantis T3 HPLC columns feature T3 bonding technology, the product of over 30 years of bonded phase research at Waters. T3 bonding combines enhanced polar compound retention with longer column lifetimes at low pH and improved peak shape for amine-containing bases at pH 7. T3 bonding also provides aqueous mobile phase compatibility and ultra-low MS bleed. For more information visit

Even though the ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 columns and Atlantis T3 HPLC columns are built on different particle substrates, methods can be moved from HPLC to UPLC since both LC columns utilize the same T3 bonding and endcapping process. Atlantis T3 HPLC columns are available in 3, 5 and 10 micron particle sizes in various lengths and dimensions.

Peptide Separation Technology Columns

The new Peptide Separation Technology columns for proteomics applications, peptide mapping during the characterization of biopharmaceuticals and the purification of synthetic peptides are based on Waters’ proprietary C 18 BEH Technology particle platform.

Peptide Separation Technology columns are available in nanoLC™, HPLC and UPLC formats and are available in 1.7 µm – 10 µm particle size range, lengths from 50 to 250 mm and internal diameters (ID) of 75 µm to 30 mm. Nominal particle pore sizes are either 130 or 300Å.

The new Peptide Separation Technology columns, in combination with all Waters HPLC Systems, ACQUITY UPLC and nanoACQUITY UPLC instruments, offer scientists many benefits including improved separation of protein digests, significantly improved peptide mapping, efficient glycopeptide separations, and the ability to quantify trace peptide variants in protein biopharmaceuticals. These columns are also the first columns to feature QC procedures targeted for large molecule use. For more information visit

Oligonucleotide Separations Technology

ACQUITY Oligonucleotide Separation Technology (OST) C18 Columns are specifically designed for the purification and analysis of oligonucleotides. These products are ideal for purifying and analyzing synthetic oligonucleotides including siRNA, primers and probes, therapeutic drugs made by oligonucleotide manufacturers, diagnostic kit makers, government and university laboratories, and biotechnology companies.

They are available in both HPLC and UPLC formats. The XBridge™ OST C18 columns are available in 2.5 µm particle size for HPLC use, while the ACQUITY BEH 1.7µm particles are available in the higher-pressure-rated UPLC column formats.

All the columns feature BEH Technology particles and yield significantly better resolution for ion-pair, reversed-phase separations of oligonucleotides than do alternative traditional columns. Lifetime expectancy of the new columns is greater than 1,000 injections.

Amino Acid Analysis Columns

Waters UPLC Amino Acid Analysis columns are designed for determining amino-acid composition of proteins, cell culture media monitoring, and food and feed nutritional analysis. These AccQ-Tag Ultra™ columns are designed specifically for use with the Waters ACQUITY UPLC System and offer scientists sharper, better-resolved peaks, with up to five times faster separations. The columns are available immediately and are part of Application Kits containing associated AccQ-Tag™ Ultra Reagents, mobile-phase eluents, and methodologies. For more information visit

VanGuard™ Pre-Columns for UPLC Separations

VanGuard Pre-Columns for UPLC separations are guard columns that are designed for use with the ACQUITY UltraPerformance LC system. These guard columns use an ultra-low volume design (patent pending) that efficiently protects UPLC column performance. This ultra-low volume design does not compromise the UPLC holistic design approach to higher efficiency, greater resolution and increase throughput. Guard columns are typically used in applications where complex, unpredictable and demanding samples are analyzed. VanGuard Pre-Columns are the first guard columns specifically designed for routine use at pressures up to 15,000 psi (1,000 bar). The first VanGuard Pre-Columns for UPLC separations will be available with 1.7 µm ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 chemistry on April 15, 2007. Additional VanGuard Pre-Columns will be released as they become available in 2007.

