New ChromaTOF® Software Version Now Available

8 Mar 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

LECO Corporation announces the release of ChromaTOF version 4.30, the exclusive operating software for its Separation Science instrumentation. In addition to the same renowned functionality and time-saving features of previous software versions, ChromaTOF 4.30 offers an improved user interface, the option of defining user permissions, and the ability to perform variable modulation.

With variable modulation, users can modify modulation settings within each chromatographic run for a more specialized analysis, maximizing resolution in both the first and second dimensions. ChromaTOF 4.30 is included with any new LECO Pegasus® HT GCMS or 4D GCxGC-MS, TruTOF® HT GCMS, or GCxGC instrument. Upgrades for existing versions are also available.

