New Columns/Consumables Catalog and HPLC Detectors Highlight Thermo’s Chromatography Offerings at Analytica

22 May 2006

Thermo Electron Corporation introduces at Analytica 2006 its latest chromatography offerings, including its comprehensive 2006-2007 Chromatography Columns and Consumables Catalog, as well as two new HPLC detectors for extended applications capabilities.

The 300+ page catalog covers the full breadth of Thermo’s SPE, HPLC and GC chromatography consumables, including the enhanced HyperSep™ SPE products, the new Hypersil GOLD™ HPLC column family and TRACE™ capillary GC columns and consumables. The new Surveyor Plus Refractive Index and Surveyor Plus Fluorescence detectors enhance chromatographers’ analytical capabilities when integrated with the Finnigan™ SurveyorTM Plus HPLC product line.

Designed as a laboratory resource tool, the Catalog guides users in product selection and on the practice of SPE, HPLC and GC techniques. It also provides more than 400 applications covering a wide range of industries such as pharmaceutical, chemical, biochemical, environmental, food and beverage and more. The catalog can be ordered by visiting the article webpage.

Thermo exhibited the following chromatography columns and consumables at Analytica:

  • HyperSep SPE. Allow for rapid, effective and economical sample preparation, and are available in a range of formats including solid phase extraction columns, multiwellplates and pipette tips.
  • Hypersil GOLD columns. Based on highly pure silica, these provide excellent symmetrical peaks, even when analyzing compounds known for giving notoriously poor peak shape on traditional C18 or L1 chemistries. In addition to the C18 phase, Hypersil GOLD columns are now offered in C8, CN, PFP (pentafluorophenyl) and aQ (polar endcapped C18) phases, as well as in a 1.9 µm particle size in selected chemistries.
  • TRACE GC columns. These feature high temperature stability and low phase bleed, achieving high quality and performance. The columns cover a range of polarities from the TR-1 100% dimethyl polysiloxane to the TR-FAME 70% cyanopropyl polysilphenylene-siloxane phases, offering application-focused solutions.
  • Surveyor Plus Refractive Index Detector. Ideal for detecting compounds lacking chromaphores such as alcohols, fatty acids and esters.
  • Surveyor Plus Fluorescence Detector. Designed to monitor the emissions of fluorescence, phosphorescence and chemiluminescence, and also analyzes polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), derivatized amino acids, carbamates and glyphosates.

Both the Surveyor Plus Refractive Index detector and Surveyor Plus Fluorescence detector integrate seamlessly with Thermo’s high throughput Finnigan Surveyor Plus HPLC system, allowing users to achieve accurate and reliable chromatographic analysis.

For more information about Thermo’s range of SPE, HPLC and GC columns and consumables, as well as its HPLC detectors, please visit booth #105-204 in Hall B1, at Analytica at the New Munich Trade Fair Centre in Munich, Germany. Alternatively, call +1 800-532-4752, email or visit for columns for HPLC detectors.

