New Cost Effective Sterilization Technology for HPLC Systems

27 Jun 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The unique UVC sterilization E.L.S.A from Cambridge Light Technology can be used for any HPLC system and light scattering technology. The E.L.S.A r/k1000 is designed to produce a continual sterilization of buffer solutions by use of UVC waves without the requirement for the addition of toxic materials (e.g. Sodium- Azide) to the buffer solution. This is achieved by insuring the exposure of the buffer to UVC light whilst keeping the UV radiation away from the user of the equipment.

The Cambridge Light Technology E.L.S.A model r/k1000 was tested over a period of weeks to demonstrate the sterilization properties of the model and to determine the lifespan of PBS buffer, known to be a good bacterial growth source, in HPLC systems the normal recommended lifespan of PBS is 3 days, with or without. A secondary aim was to determine any increase in the buffer temperature.

The Cambridge Light Technology E.L.S.A r/k1000 was found to prevent the formation of any visible particles during the trials the lifespan was extended to 28 day. This is well in excess of the standard solution that showed large particles forming within 3 days. The temperature of the solution rose in the first 2 days never beyond 23C showing that only a small heating effect occurred.

Cambridge Light Technology spokesperson said this system is safe and cost effective every time for all users of this new sterilization system.

