New Dynabeads® SAX Added to Advanced Magnetic Bead Chromatography Product Line

5 Sept 2006
Todd Wielgos
Research Director / Manager

Dynal, now part of Invitrogen Corporation, today announced the release of a new product in its extensive proteomic sample preparation range; Dynabeads® SAX.

Based on strong anion exchange (SAX), these magnetic beads can fractionate protein and peptide samples quickly and easily based on differences in pI and net charge, for downstream analyses such as mass spectrometry. This adds further functionality to the existing magnetic bead chromatography product line launched last year; Dynabeads® WCX, Dynabeads® RPC Protein and Dynabeads® RPC 18.

These products offer an excellent alternative to chromatography columns, spin columns and pipette tip technologies. Dynabeads® SAX are designed with an optimised surface for binding and fractionation of intricate protein and peptide mixtures. The magnetic separation methodology is very fast, highly reproducible, flexible and scalable, and can be automated on a wide variety of liquid handling platforms.

According to Business Area Manager, Beate Rygg Johnsen, the enlarged magnetic bead chromatography product range offers even more options to simplify the reduction of sample complexity. “These versatile Dynabeads® products can be used to concentrate, prepare and desalt complex protein and peptide mixtures and for biomarker discovery. Both top-down and bottom-up approaches can be employed. Acting as a controllable solid phase support, the beads respond to a magnetic field allowing bound material to be precisely separated from salts and other contaminants within minutes. Proteins or peptides are then eluted off in one or more fractions, e.g. by step-wise elution. Beads with different surface characteristics can be combined to isolate different fractions from the same sample. This means that more information can be obtained and the sample is efficiently and reproducibly prepared for further downstream mass spectrum analysis, HPLC or 1D/2D gel electrophoresis.”

All Dynabeads® are engineered to provide uniform spheres with even magnetic properties and maximum surface area. They remain dispersed in solution but very quickly move in response to a magnetic field, with no magnetic remanence (superparamagnetic). The different beads available have been designed to accommodate many different surface chemistries and are available in different sizes to suit different proteomic, genomic and in vitro diagnostic applications.

