New eBook on FTIR spectroscopy details the best sampling accessories to boost your research

Explore a compendium full of tips, tricks, and tools, and explore cutting edge research on FTIR spectroscopy

8 Jun 2022
Rory Shadbolt
Publishing / Media

Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy is used to probe the molecular vibrations of a sample, generating a chemical fingerprint from the molecules present within the beam of light. The technique has been employed in numerous ways across multiple fields, but whatever the aim of the experiment, an accessory is required to contain the matter under study and direct the light onto it. In this application eBook, we review the literature for some of the most advanced FTIR spectroscopy products and explore cutting-edge research across a diverse range of fields.

Whatever the aim of the experiment, an accessory is required to contain the matter under study and direct the light onto it. For the past 50 years, Specac’s products have been at the forefront of scientific endeavors, driving innovation and answering critical questions across a range of scientific fields. It manufactures a range of spectroscopic accessories for the analysis of solids, liquids, and gases at ambient, low, and high temperatures. This eBook showcases some of the most exciting advances in IR sampling of the past few years and contains helpful tips and guides for ATR spectroscopy in particular.

Download eBook for free

Download to explore in-depth descriptions, case studies, and resources on:

  • Liquid transmission analysis – from the analysis of biodiesel blends to the detection of fake fish oil
  • Attenuated total reflectance – the basics, penetration depth, advanced measurements, and more
  • Advanced spectroscopy – including catalytic studies and the spectroscopy of gases

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