Variable Temperature Cell Holder
The Variable Temperature Cell Holder is the ideal accessory to use for the transmission study of liquid or solid samples over a broad range of temperatures. The cell consists of a vacuum jacket that contains a refrigerant dewar/cell holder assembly and a heating block that contains the appropriate cell, and allows variable temperature over the range from -190°C to 250°C. NaCl windows are provided as standard on the cell hol…
The cell construction need to be improved
Solid adsorbents
The idea of the cell is good. The samples are easy to load and remove. To do this it is not required to touch KBr windows (which is good). At the same time, I was unable to measure the correct FTIR spectra of adsorbents at temperatures above 100 C. It contains bands of organic compounds (I believe from the oil of the paint). For an unknown reason, the cell was pained inside!
Review Date: 5 Aug 2022 | Specac Ltd
Good for vacuum + low T or for gas purge + high T. VERY BAD for vacuum + high T.
Transmittance FTIR of chemically modified silicas
The cell was purchased many years ago (2000) and intended for the spectra of modified silica samples, heated in a vacuum to remove absorbed impurities. However, the samples were absorbing a lot of organic shit (seems phthalates), desorbing from the cell. It was ever painted with "nice" blue paint inside! We removed this paint, it helps but not a lot. All our questions to Specac remain without answers. As a result, we adapted nitrogen gas purging to the cell, this helps to avoid the absorption and resulted in nice spectra. At the same time, the cell appears good for spectra at low (-160C - +20C) temperatures, and no desorption of organic species was observed.
Review Date: 3 Aug 2022 | Specac Ltd
The Variable Temperature Cell Holder is the ideal accessory to use for the transmission study of liquid or solid samples over a broad range of temperatures. The cell consists of a vacuum jacket that contains a refrigerant dewar/cell holder assembly and a heating block that contains the appropriate cell, and allows variable temperature over the range from -190°C to 250°C.
NaCl windows are provided as standard on the cell holder, but a range of other UV, Vis, NIR and Infared transmitting window materials are also available.
This transmission cell holder is designed for use with Specac’s Advanced Liquid or Solid Transmission Cells, Spectroelectrochemical Cell, or High Pressure Liquid Cell. The cell holder is installed into an optical spectrometer sample compartment either via the 3"" x 2"" slide mounting plate, or with a Benchmark™ baseplate.