New Efficient Dicer Enzyme Announced

3 Nov 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Finnzymes has launched a very efficient dicer enzyme for producing siRNA molecules. The enzyme, PowerCut™ Dicer, originates from Giardia intestinalis. It produces a pool of 25-27 nucleotide-long siRNA molecules from any dsRNA. Unlike all other siRNA producing enzymes, PowerCut Dicer cleaves the substrate with 100% efficiency but leaves the resulting siRNA intact.

The high quality siRNA produced is ideal for gene silencing studies, for example. Pooled siRNAs are also preferred over synthetic siRNA oligos if the target sequence cannot be specified well enough or when the sequence is prone to variations like in the case of viral targets. When used together with Finnzymes Replicator RNAi Kit, PowerCut Dicer allows production of milligram quantities of siRNA molecules from dsRNA.

