New Fluorescence Application of G:BOX Chemi: Makes Studying Differential Protein Expression on one Western Blot a Reality

22 Apr 2006

Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, is pleased to announce its G:BOX Chemi multi-purpose imaging system, is being used by top French reagent supplier, Ozyme, as part of a unique fluorescence based method of rapidly detecting differential protein expression on single Western blots.

Using fluorescent Qdot? technology, scientists at Ozyme have developed a simple protocol for differentially labelling proteins on Western blots known as FluoWest?. They are then using a G:BOX Chemi system to generate images of FluoWest blots showing different proteins labelled with multiple fluorescent colours on one blot.

Olivier Varet, Product Manager at Ozyme explained: ??ultiplex analysis of proteins can be used to determine up and down regulation of specific proteins, to diagnose a pre-disposition to a specific disease or to get an accurate quantification. However, many current methods of labelling Westerns are unsuitable for this application because they only produce one colour or a white chemiluminescent emission, which means that scientists have to generate a series of blots to compare protein expression. Using FluoWest, scientists can save time by analysing a number of different proteins from the same blot. This is especially useful when these proteins have the same molecular weight or are very close together.??/P>

??e decided to use the G:BOX Chemi to analyse our FluoWest blots because it is one of the few CCD analysers that has the right combination of camera, epi-UV lighting and filters which are so essential for successfully generating high quality images of this type of blot,??continued Varet.

Laura Sullivan, Syngene?? Divisional Manager stated: ??his is a very exciting and original application of our new G:BOX Chemi system, offering quick and simple analysis of multiple different proteins on single Western blots. For researchers wanting to increase the throughput of Western blot analysis to detect differential protein expression, using FluoWest with a G:BOX Chemi is an excellent choice.?

