New Functionality, Increased Speed, and Ease-of-Use Highlights ACD/Labs Version 12 Release

4 Dec 2008
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc., (ACD/Labs) has released its latest version of specialized software for the pharmaceutical, biotech, and chemical industries. ACD/Labs Version 12 includes new features and capabilities developed in response to the needs of the industry and our customers. View the full list of new features and products via the article webpage link on the right.

ACD/Labs provides a range of software solutions to enable property-based lead discovery and optimization, metabolite identification, chromatographic method development, and integrated analytical data interpretation for NMR, MS, UV-IR, and Chromatography. Any or all of these solutions integrate with ACD/Labs powerful data management solutions, resulting in a knowledge management system that allows researchers and decision-makers to use their company's valuable chemical knowledge in the most productive ways possible.

With Version 12, enhancements have been made in accuracy and capability of products for physicochemical property and spectral prediction, as well as improvements in import and processing speed, and ease-of-use for many products including ACD/MS Manager and ACD/IntelliXtract. ACD/ChemFolder Enterprise for chemical structure and reaction databasing has been substantially enhanced with new functionality that allows for better versatility, and adds analytical data images to the list of available properties.

Version 12 also marks the introduction of a new product for NMR Spectroscopists. ACD/NMR Workbook with NMRSync Technology allows for simultaneous processing and analysis of 1D and 2D NMR spectra to drastically reduce the time required to interpret and assign data sets. ACD/NMR Workbook lets users pick and assign peaks in one spectrum, automatically propagating the assignment through all other spectra related to the same chemical structure. The knowledge extracted from this data can then be stored in a database that is fully searchable through a variety of graphical and text queries.

Learn more about ACD/NMR Workbook at the company website.

