New Generation of Ultra-Sensitive Online Mass Spectrometers for VOC Analysis

2 Dec 2011
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

IONICON has launched the PTR-QMS 500 series – a new generation of ultra-sensitive PTR-MS online mass spectrometers for VOC analysis.

The new PTR-QMS-500 series delivers high performance and low detection limits (< 1 pptv) for VOCs detection and monitoring based on Proton Transfer Reaction-Mass Spectrometry.

IONICON CEO Lukas MÄRK explains the idea behind many improvements of the new flagship quadrupole-based PTR-MS series: “We wanted to create a new generation of instruments providing the highest sensitivity available in the PTR-MS market but also incarnating new features and improvements we developed listening to the needs and feedback of our customers.”

The PTR-QMS 500 series is engineered to add to the field of quadrupole based PTR-MS systems. Among the many improvements, IONICON engineers were able to reduce the size and weight of the instruments, but nevertheless improved maintainability. A touch screen display is now common to all IONICON instruments, a new heating chamber layout (easier access to ion source and space for extensions) is implemented and new control electronics (fully software controlled) as well as more interfaces (I/Os) are available. Most outstanding however is the new IONICON ULTRA-PURE ion source that delivers a precursor ion intensity that was never seen before and therefore the High-Sensitivity PTR-QMS 500 continuously quantifies VOCs in lowest possible concentrations touching even the ppqv-regime.

IONICON is the world’s leading producer of on-line VOC detectors with market-leading, on-line and real-time, single-digit pptv-level detection limits using the unique proton transfer reaction – mass spectrometry PTR-MS technology. Since 1998 IONICON is serving leading scientists with VOC monitoring and quantification instruments in many different areas including environmental research, pollution monitoring, atmospheric chemistry, food & flavor science and illicit substances detection.

The IONICON product range comprises the PTR-QMS Series (IONICON High-Sensitivity PTR-QMS 500 with its market-leading detection limit of < 1 pptv; the IONICON PTR-QMS 300, a very robust and small VOC monitoring system with a very advantageous price) and the PTR-TOFMS Series (IONICON PTR-TOF 8000 providing a mass resolution of up to 8000 m/∆m and the IONICON PTR-TOF 2000 with its detection limit < 5 pptv).

