Ionicon Analytik

IONICON Analytik was founded 1998 as a spin-off company of the University of Innsbruck, Austria in order to make commercially available highly sensitive trace gas analysis instruments which are based on an innovative technology called Proton Transfer Reaction - Mass Spectrometry.
Since then we have been improving this leading-edge technology resulting in the development of several types of ultra sensitive high resolution online mass spectrometers. Our product portfolio includes quadrupole MS and time of flight MS based instruments.
Today we are the world’s leading producer of trace gas detectors using PTR-MS technology. THE online mass spectrometry technology allowing for monitoring and quantification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in concentrations < 1 pptv. We manufacture our precision instruments at our company site located in Innsbruck, Austria.
For more than a decade, we are serving leading scientists in universities and global corporations with VOC detection and quantification instruments in many different areas including atmospheric chemistry, environmental research and trace gas analysis (e.g. emissions in urban and remote areas, indoor spaces, vehicles), food and flavour science (e.g. analysis of coffee, olive oil, butter, cheese, wine, herbal extracts and aromas), industrial VOC monitoring (e.g. in waste incineration plant, chemical factories and production sites) and illicit substances detection (Explosives, CWAs, TICs).

Gas Calibration Unit (GCU)

For most trace gas analyzers, calibration is the standard practice to ensure accurate quantification of target substances. The IONICON GCU has been developed to produce precisely controlled concentra...



The High-Sensitivity PTR-QMS 500 is an ultra-sensitive real-time monitor for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and has a detection limit of < 1 pptv. The High-Sensitivity PTR-QMS 500 is the most sens...


Liquid Calibration Unit (LCU)

The IONICON Liquid Calibration Unit (LCU) evaporates aqueous standards into a gas stream, resulting in a gas flow containing compounds at defined trace concentrations. This gas can be used for precise...


IONICON Analytik was founded 1998 as a spin-off company of the University of Innsbruck, Austria in order to make commercially available highly sensitive trace gas analysis instruments which are based on an innovative technology called Proton Transfer Reaction - Mass Spectrometry.
Since then we have been improving this leading-edge technology resulting in the development of several types of ultra sensitive high resolution online mass spectrometers. Our product portfolio includes quadrupole MS and time of flight MS based instruments.
Today we are the world’s leading producer of trace gas detectors using PTR-MS technology. THE online mass spectrometry technology allowing for monitoring and quantification of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in concentrations < 1 pptv. We manufacture our precision instruments at our company site located in Innsbruck, Austria.
For more than a decade, we are serving leading scientists in universities and global corporations with VOC detection and quantification instruments in many different areas including atmospheric chemistry, environmental research and trace gas analysis (e.g. emissions in urban and remote areas, indoor spaces, vehicles), food and flavour science (e.g. analysis of coffee, olive oil, butter, cheese, wine, herbal extracts and aromas), industrial VOC monitoring (e.g. in waste incineration plant, chemical factories and production sites) and illicit substances detection (Explosives, CWAs, TICs).

Contact Ionicon Analytik

IONICON Analytik Gesellschaft m.b.H.<br>Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 3, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria

Website link