New GeneTools Software Is World’s First Image Analysis Package to Offer One Step E-Gel 96 Reading

11 Jan 2007

Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, is pleased to announce its new GeneTools V3 image analysis software has a unique E-Gel® 96 module which allows one step analysis of E-Gel 96 gels in seconds.

Syngene has designed the new E-Gel 96 option to analyse the staggered well pattern in E-Gel 96 gels (Invitrogen) and GeneTools V3 is the world’s first commercial 1D image analysis software to have such a module. Molecular biologists using GeneTools V3 can rapidly obtain GLP compliant results from all 96 lanes of an E-Gel in just one click, thus saving time by automatically reading, for example, gels of multiple PCR products or restriction digests.

The new E-Gel 96 option combined with the software’s other functions which include: band and spot matching; Rf/molecular weight calculations; multi-layer gel analysis; and colony counting, makes GeneTools V3 the most flexible 1D image analysis software currently on the market. This innovative software can be purchased as an additional option for all new and existing Syngene systems.

Laura Sullivan, Syngene’s Divisional Manager stated: “Many researchers are using E-Gel 96 gels because they can be fully automated. However, since the 96 tracks are staggered, most commercial image analysis packages cannot analyse this pattern. A bottleneck occurs when the gel has to be translated into a conventional format via another analysis package thus researchers lose the automation benefits.”

Laura Sullivan added: “The new E-Gel 96 option is an excellent solution because it fills this gap in the high-throughput electrophoresis chain by allowing users to analyse their E-Gel 96 gels in one software environment. Therefore, any molecular biology laboratory using the E-Gel 96 system in combination with the GeneTools E-Gel 96 module is guaranteed to save time and increase their research productivity.”

