New Graphical Editor with tiamo™ 2.2 Titration Software

30 Aug 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Tiamo™ 2.2 from Metrohm is the latest version of leading software for titration and now enables control of thermometric titrations. New commands have also been implemented for efficient use of automated titrations systems.

The new graphical editor allows users to get more out of their titration system. New methods can be drawn up quickly and easily by using the numerous templates. A few mouse clicks are all that is needed to adapt existing methods to particular users’ needs and make them ready for use.

By implementing operation and control of the 859 Titrotherm in tiamo™ 2.2, a wide range of new applications based on thermometric titration methods opens up to the user.

Thanks to new commands implemented in the software, one and the same sample changer may now be shared by two or more different working stations. Thus, one sample can be titrated while the next one is already being prepared or another measurement performed. This saves time and increases sample throughput.

