New High Resolution Image Analyser Generates Excellent Results with Qdot Labelled Western Blots

10 May 2007

Syngene, a world-leading manufacturer of image analysis solutions, today introduced G:BOX Chemi XL, its new automated image analyser, ideal for producing precise images of Western blots labelled with any Qdot® colour.

The new G:BOX Chemi XL features a high resolution (5.5 mega pixel, digital zoom), 16 bit CCD cooled camera inside a darkroom fitted with motor driven sample stage. By adding Syngene’s 9-position filter wheel, lighting unit and Qdot filter options, the system can provide fast, accurate imaging of multiple Qdot antibodies on the same blot without the need for re-probing the sample. These features combined with the camera’s ability to separate close, different coloured band images makes the G:BOX Chemi XL an intelligent choice for scientists that need a reliable method of generating images of Qdot labelled Western blots.

The G:BOX Chemi XL comes with GeneTools, easy to use image analysis software and a new version of GeneSnap image capture software, which saves time with its new focus indicator and digital zooming features.

Laura Sullivan, Syngene’s Divisional Manager commented: “A growing number of researchers are using Qdots to label Westerns because they can tag their proteins with different coloured fluorescent markers on one blot, so it is easier for them to differentiate total and post-translationally expressed proteins. However, many have found to accurately capture this type of multiplex image you need an imager which can visualise different fluorescent wavelengths, yet has exceptional resolving power.”

Laura Sullivan concluded: “This is why we are delighted to add the G:BOX Chemi XL to our range because it will help scientists overcome these difficult imaging challenges. As well as being able to separate different Qdot colours from each other, the system’s peltier cooled camera also allows chemiluminescence imaging and means the G:BOX Chemi XL is an essential tool where accurate imaging of fluorescent and chemiluminescent Western blots is critical to the research.”

