New High Throughput NanoDrop

10 May 2007
andrew jones
Research Director / Manager

NanoDrop Technologies, the recognized leader in spectrophotometric measurement of 1ul samples has added to it's product line the ND-8000, with the capacity to measure 8 samples concurrently. The instrument utilises the company’s patented technology that allows samples as small as 1ul to be measured without cuvettes or capillaries. The unique capability of the system allows even highly concentrated samples to be measured without performing dilutions and without the need for consumables.

Building on the success of the popular NanoDrop® ND-1000 Spectrophotometer, the newest product in the line also helps address efficiency and productivity issues within the laboratory. “Our customers have asked for an instrument that preserves all of the simplicity and ease-of-use features of the ND-1000 while providing higher throughput” says Lynne Kielhorn, Business Development Director at NanoDrop. “The ND-8000 provides a convenient way for our customers to process a complete 96-well microtitre plate in 5 minutes. NanoDrop is once again providing a tool that can reliably measure small volumes of precious samples, and now we also are providing a way to work with a larger number of samples” says Kielhorn.

Up to eight samples are loaded using an 8-channel or single pipettor. Each of the samples is assessed at two different path lengths to achieve a dynamic range far in excess of convential cuvette-based systems (e.g. 2ng/ul to 3700ng/ul dsDNA). Total sample-to-sample measurement cycle time is less than 30 seconds – including sample prep and loading, spectral reading, and wiping of the optical surfaces.

"The introduction of the ND-8000 marks the latest addition to the Clever Little Things range from Labtech International" says Andrew Jones, Technical Director of Labtech International. "Labtech have a reputation for supplying innovative lab equipment and we are excited about the benefits that the ND-8000 will offer our customers. The ND-1000 has become an essential piece of lab equipment in the UK and France and we look forward to introducing the ND-8000 to our customers wishing to increase the throughput and convenience of their microlitre volume analysis."

NanoDrop’s family of instruments includes the NanoDrop® ND-3300 Fluorospectrometer, ND-1000 UV/VIS Spectrophotometer and now the ND-8000. All of the instruments are based on a unique cuvette-less technology that allows measurement of one microliter samples pipetted directly onto the fiber optic measurement surface. Once the upper surface contacts the sample, a liquid bridge forms and a spectral reading is taken. Cleaning simply requires wiping the sample off of the pedestals with an ordinary lab wipe. The microvolume, broad spectral output, small footprint and remarkable ease of use, make NanoDrop instruments ideal for today’s research environment.

Researchers currently using absorbance plate readers will now be able to use the ND-8000 to conserve more of each precious sample. Investigators currently quantitating samples using fluorescent plate readers will now get direct and reproducible absorbance readings using the ND-8000 without sacrificing more sample. In addition, the company anticipates that researchers will improve data output by using the ND-8000 to perform quality control checks at critical points throughout complex workflows in ways they either could not or would not do with conventional spectrophotometers or plate readers. With a footprint of only 20 cm x 30 cm, the ND-8000 fits easily into today’s space-limited laboratory environment.

Labtech will make the ND-8000 available through its in-lab demo programme. To request a demo please visit our website at HYPERLINK ""

NanoDrop Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation established in 2000, develops, manufactures and sells unique analytical instruments for bioresearch and testing. NanoDrop Technologies, Inc. holds exclusive rights to its patented sample retention technology..

Labtech International supplies and supports innovative laboratory equipment to the lifescience markets of the UK, Ireland and France. For more information call the UK office on +44 (0) 1273 814 888 or France on +33 (0) 0825 848 832 or visit our website at,

