New High Volume Evaporation Technique...

26 Jan 2009
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Genevac has announced an online video and new white paper that present the revolutionary new technology behind the Rocket™ Evaporator that enables it to dry or concentrate as many as six flasks (each containing up to 450ml solvent) five times faster than conventional evaporators.

To demonstrate the ease-of-use and operational functionality of the new Rocket™ Evaporator Genevac has produced a new online streaming video directly accessible by clicking on the "company article webpage" link on the right of the screen.

Downloadable from the same page, the white paper explains in detail the new patented low temperature, low pressure steam heating technology developed by Genevac to achieve the dual goals of very fast evaporation with very precise temperature control to protect valuable samples. The new technique has already generated significant interest in applications including environment analysis, medicinal chemistry, natural products purification and chiral separation where large volumes of solvent often have to be removed.

