New Hitachi Fluorescence Spectrophotometer Demonstrates High Sensitivity and Scanning Speed

1 Oct 2006

The new Hitachi F-7000 Fluorescence Spectrophotometer is now available in the UK from Lambda Advanced Technology. Designed to provide unparalleled performance, this new generation spectrophotometer demonstrates both ultra-high sensitivity and high speed scanning. It is ideal for use in a wide range of fluorescence applications in the pharmaceutical, industrial, environmental and biotechnology industries.

Due to its enhanced sensitivity, the F-7000 can detect fluorescein levels down to 1.2x10-12 mol/L and its high S/N 800 (RMS), 250 (Peak to Peak) provides greater capability to carry out accurate trace sample measurements. With a fast scanning speed of 60,000 nm/min, this new instrument now enables users to carry out spectrum measurements at 2 second intervals and display the results as a 3D time scan spectrum.

The F-7000 has been designed with a unique automatic gain change function. This means it is possible to generate calibration curves using up to 6-digit concentration values, so an unknown sample can be quantitatively analysed without additional sample preparation.

Powered by Hitachi’s FL Solutions software, the F-7000 is intuitive to use and enables analysts to generate reports easily and efficiently.

The wide range of accessories available for the F-7000 include a 96 well microplate reader that enables automatic measurement. Used as an autosampler it allows wavelength scan, time scan and 3D measurement. Other accessories include a Peltier controlled thermostated cell holder suitable for temperature ramping and a range of flow cell units, sample sippers and thermostated cell holders,
with and without stirrers.

The compact size of this fluorescence spectrophotometer means that it can fit into many laboratories where space is at a premium and with its superior performance, functionality and reliability, makes it the perfect choice for analysts throughout industry.

