New HPV Qualification Panel Launched by SeraCare

1 May 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

SeraCare Life Sciences has launched the HPV Genotype Qualification Panel. This new panel expands the SeraCare Women’s Health portfolio in response to the rapidly rising demand for products designed to meet human papillomavirus (HPV) assay qualification requirements.

“Increased awareness of the risks of HPV has generated a corresponding increase in the need for highly accurate HPV testing methods and products,” said Chris Long, associate product manager at SeraCare Life Sciences. “The new SeraCare HPV Qualification Panel provides multiple vials of high-risk HPV Genotypes for the replicate tests typically performed during qualification testing.”

The HPV Qualification Panel is derived from cultured human cells containing full-length HPV DNA and includes the HPV 16 and HPV 18 genomes, which together account for an estimated 70 percent of all cases of the virus. The panel is designed to support assay qualification and testing by challenging every step in the process, from extraction through detection. “By supporting the assay process from end to end, the HPV Qualification Panel will provide labs with greater confidence in assay performance and ensure consistency of results over time,” Long added.

The SeraCare HPV Qualification Panel is designed for use with HPV test kits from Roche Molecular Diagnostics, Qiagen/digene and Hologic. In addition to supporting the vital process of assay verification, the panel can be used for method comparison, reproducibility and lot-to-lot variability studies.

