New Kit Enhances Chiral Method Development and QC by CE

31 Jul 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Beckman Coulter, Inc. introduces an enhanced Chiral Methods Development Kit for CE (capillary electrophoresis) analysis on the company's P/ACE™ MDQ System. The new kit features highly sulfated cyclodextrins (HSCDs), a family of three chiral reagents that deliver excellent performance in the separation of most neutral, basic and weakly acidic compounds of pharmaceutical and biological interest. The Chiral Methods Development Kit includes a new user guide with a complete protocol.

CE uses significantly less sample and reagent than HPLC for chiral separations, while providing broad selectivity and fast results. Documented studies of more than 200 compounds have demonstrated that this protocol provided baseline enantiomer separation for more than 90% of the analytes. The Beckman Coulter Chiral Methods Development Kit minimizes method development time to as little as half a day, compared with two days or more for HPLC. The run time itself is also typically much faster. CE uses no chlorinated solvents or toxic reagents, so disposal costs are minimized.

Reagent volumes have also been changed to meet the evolving needs of the user. The original 100 mL glass bottles have been replaced with 30 mL plastic bottles. The Chiral Method development kit contains three 5 mL bottles (HS-alpha-CD, HS-beta-CE and HS-gamma-CD).

"CE has always been the superior technology for chiral separations," explained Hans Dewald, product manager for Beckman Coulter. "Demand for rapid and environmentally-friendly chiral analysis continues to rise, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry, so we are pleased to enhance the content, packaging and pricing of our kit to meet our customers' growing needs. Our new kits provide a standard platform method that simplifies chiral method development and QC."

Beckman Coulter's complete solution for the separation of enantiomers includes the P/ACE MDQ configured with a photo diode array detector, sample storage module and 32 Karat™ Software.

