New KNAUER High Pressure Valves Available for OEM

10 Mar 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

KNAUER’s well-known high pressure and ultra-high pressure pumps and flow-through detectors based on AZURA® technology are now accompanied by the next generation of high precision injection and switching valves, designed to operate at pressures up to 100 MPa (15,000 psi).

Reportedly the new valve series is ideal for users requiring low delay volumes and high durability. According to KNAUER, this novel generation of valves will be offered at a very competitive price. Valves and matching valve drives are readily available for OEM partners as of April 2, 2016. Full OEM partnerships as well as co-branding programs are offered for these products.

The new KNAUER high pressure valves can be added easily to many existing products, e.g. as a manual injection valve to any kind of system solution, together with a separate valve drive for automated injection, and as an internal module for column switching tasks in the standard AZURA housing ASM 2.1L.

Actuated valves are widely used in a number of different applications where automation is the key to success. Injection and switching valves have a great tradition at KNAUER, the first ones were designed and manufactured more than 30 years ago. The KNAUER portfolio covers valves for analytical and preparative applications. Due to flexibility in material, valves can be used for standard HPLC tasks, purification tasks, FPLC and dosing applications with different eluents and even at high temperature.

You can also visit KNAUER at Pittcon 2016, booth # 3658, to learn more about these products.

