New Liquid Tumor Marker Control Available from Randox
16 May 2012
Randox has released a new Acusera multi-analyte Liquid Tumour Marker Control which covers a total of 15 commonly tested and esoteric cancer antigens and tumor markers. The addition of assayed target values enables laboratories to effectively monitor both accuracy and precision.
As a liquid ready-to-use control the material is highly convenient and easy for laboratory staff to use. The liquid stable nature not only eliminates the need for reconstitution but reduces the amount of human handling necessary and allows the material to be shipped and stored conveniently at 2-8oC.
Like all Randox immunoassay controls the serum is 100% human in origin providing a matrix similar to the patient sample but also reducing antibody interference and the possibility of control values shifting after changing reagent batch. Three distinct and clinically significant levels of control are available with analytes present at desirable levels. The convenient 6 x 3ml pack size and refrigerated open vial stability of 30 days for all analytes helps to increase laboratory efficiency while keeping waste and costs to a minimum.
As a true third party control, laboratories can use the Acusera liquid tumour marker control to independently assess the performance of their tumour marker testing. Fully assayed, instrument specific target values are generated via a number of external laboratories and are provided for many common clinical chemistry and immunoassay systems.
The Randox Acusera liquid tumour marker control is compatible for use with Acusera 24.7, a web based inter-laboratory data management programme. With 24-7 users benefit from our extensive range of data management tools and gain access to peer group data from thousands of laboratories worldwide. Acusera 24.7 uniquely updates peer group data every 24 hours giving laboratories access to the most up to date information available.