New: MACSprep™ PBMC Isolation Kit, Human from Miltenyi Biotec

Fast and convenient isolation of untouched PBMCs

13 Jun 2017
Weylan Kiam-Laine

The new MACSprep™ PBMC Isolation Kit, human from Miltenyi Biotec allows the preparation of highly pure peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from human whole blood without density gradient centrifugation in only 25 min. The kit is ideal for the processing of small blood samples.

Miltenyi Biotec has developed the MACSprep PBMC Isolation Kit, human for the straightforward isolation of PBMCs from 2–10 mL human whole blood without density gradient centrifugation.

Your advantages with the new MACSprep PBMC Isolation Kit, human are:

  • Fast and easy PBMC preparation from whole blood in only 25 min
  • No density gradient centrifugation needed
  • Ready-to-use for up to 10 mL whole blood samples

The isolation can be easily performed in a two-step separation procedure: During the first isolation step erythrocytes are aggregated and sedimented. In a second step, non-PBMCs are depleted based on MACS® Technology, resulting in highly pure PBMCs ready to be used for downstream experiments. Fields of application include PBMC co-cultures for functional immune cell assays, studies on cytokine expression of immune cells upon restimulation, studies on signal transduction during activation of immune cells and immune monitoring of antigen-specific T cells, for example.

MACSprep™ PBMC Isolation Kit, human
For further information see

Meet us at one of the following events:
June 10–14, 2017 CYTO 2017, Boston, MA, USA
June 14–17, 2017 ISSCR 2017, Boston, MA, USA
June 29–30, 2017 20th Meeting on T-Cells Subsets and Functions 2017, Marburg, Germany

