New QuEChERS Performance Standards Kit from Restek
30 Oct 2013Sourcing individual pesticide standards and preparing working standards is expensive and time-consuming. Food safety laboratories can simplify standard preparation and better ensure data quality by using Restek’s new QuEChERS performance standards kit for initial method evaluation and ongoing performance validation.
The QuEChERS performance standards kit was specifically designed to provide low-cost “entry level” mixes for food safety and contract laboratories that want to evaluate the QuEChERS extraction approach (e.g., EN 15662 and AOAC 2007.1) for determining pesticides in fruits and vegetables with GC and LC instrumental methods.
A QuEChERS performance standards kit is ideal for broad class work because it provides a wide range of commonly used organochlorine, organonitrogen, organophosphorus, and carbamate fungicides and insecticides, while still keeping the total number of analytes to a reasonable level. Volatile, polar, active, base-sensitive, and nonvolatile compounds are included to allow comprehensive evaluation of QuEChERS extraction and cleanup efficiencies, and optimization of GC and LC instrumental conditions.
These multiresidue pesticide standards are precisely formulated to ensure accuracy, and analytes are segregated into mixes based on chemical compatibility for maximum storage stability. Quantitative analysis confirms the composition of each mixture, and documentation for each lot is provided. Restek® QuEChERS performance standards are produced and tested in accordance with ISO Guide 34 and 17025 accreditation.