New Reflective Correction Optics for Spectroscopy Imaging Applications

8 Mar 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

New reflective correction optics for spectroscopy imaging applications with two dimensional CCD or CMOS type sensors now available for McPherson’s high resolution, one meter focal length spectrometer, Model 2061. Equipped with select accessories, the McPherson spectrometer can simultaneously monitor spectra from one hundred input fibers on one commercial 1024*1024 pixel, ~13mm square CCD.

The one meter spectrometer accepts various Snap-In™ diffraction gratings optimized for spectral resolution or for wavelength range coverage. With sensitive, cooled CMOS or CCD detectors, the accessible 50mm focal plane is ideally suited for simultaneously intercepting and analyzing multiple spatially distinct spectral regions.

The newly introduced imaging optics enhance the McPherson spectrometer system. Unknown input light from multiple samples, or different regions of one sample, result in distinct high resolution and spatially distinct spectra at the focal plane. Light brought to the spectrometer entrance slit by free-space optics or fiber optics; facilitate difficult measurements of ion temperatures, plasma formation, temperature, boundary layer interaction, and more, even in hostile environments.

Spectral analysis of spatially distinct events via multiple fibers benefit from McPherson spectrometer accessories like multiple entrance slit adapters. They are variable in width, to adjust for resolution and light intensity, and adjustable with respect to image rotation and fiber matching. Put a filter in the optical path, add a multiple fiber assembly, and monitor many, many remote and spatially distinct spectral events simultaneously. Consult McPherson to be sure the spectrometer is ready for implementation in your specific application.

