New sample preparation combination kit decreases buffer preparation time

4 Mar 2008

GE Healthcare is pleased to introduce His SpinTrap™ Kit, a combination kit that consists of one pack of His SpinTrap columns and one pack of His Buffer Kit. At the same time, His Buffer Kit has been updated with new protocols for His MultiTrap™, His SpinTrap, His GraviTrap™ and HisTrap™ columns.

The products are a part of the Trap™ platform that addresses the need for easy, small-scale preparation and purification of protein samples prior to analysis by technologies such as electrophoresis, mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

The main benefits of the new His SpinTrap Kit & His Buffer Kit are:

  • All components are included - increased convenience for small-scale purification of histidine-tagged proteins
  • Saves time – shorter time for buffer preparation

