New sample preparation tool for simplified identification of phosphorylated proteins

4 Mar 2008

GE Healthcare is pleased to introduce Phos SpinTrap™ Fe, a sample preparation tool that simplifies identification of phosphorylated proteins. It is designed for the capture and enrichment of microgram quantities of phosphopeptides from protein digests of cell culture lysates as well as somatic fluids and tissues. The product is a part of the Trap™ platform that addresses the need for easy, small scale preparation of protein samples prior to analysis. The Phos SpinTrap Fe is primarily aimed at samples analysed by mass spectrometry or liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

The main benefits with the new product are:

  • High-purity enrichment of phosphopeptides
  • Excellent reproducibility
  • A flexible protocol that is easy to adapt and optimize for different analyses

