New SistemQC™ microRNA-Based Services for Cell Line QC Avoids Downtime

15 Sept 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

SistemQC™ microRNA-based services from Sistemic Ltd. monitor cells including stem cell populations for intended or unintended change using biologically defined measures. These new product additions will support faster decision making for cell manufacturers at critical QC points within their process workflows and has the potential to avoid downtime and save money.

SistemQC™ utilises Sistemic’s enabling platform technology SistemRNA™, which profiles microRNA expression providing a fingerprint of the cell system. This informs on the current cell population phenotype giving confidence that it has not deviated from the expected phenotype. SistemQC™ is suitable for use in all cells including BHK, CHO, HEK-293, NS0, PER.C6 and hybridomas.

Prof. Chris Hillier, CEO says “SistemQC™ services are being launched in response to the unmet need in the cell and stem cell fields: “In our conversations with both researchers and pharma over the last 12 months, it has become apparent that there is a real demand for reliable, information-rich QC methods to monitor cells easily and effectively and to fit within current workflow processes. Importantly, SistemQC™ not only gives a succinct read out on the status of the cells but also an insight into the underlying biological effects associated with any change detected. We are now launching our service to US customers through our Boston office and the rest of the world will follow shortly.”

