New Size-Exclusion Chromatography Column for Monoclonal Antibody Separations

9 Aug 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The new MAbPac™ SEC-1 size-exclusion chromatography column from Dionex Corporation is designed for separating monoclonal antibodies, their aggregates, and fragments under non-denaturing conditions. It also includes high/low salt mobile phases and MS compatible mobile phases.

The MAbPac SEC-1 column is based on high-purity, spherical, porous (300 Å), 5 μm silica particles that are covalently modified with a proprietary diol hydrophilic layer. It offers the following benefits:

• Proprietary hydrophilic bonded layer results in minimal undesired interactions between the biomolecules and the stationary phase.
• Non-metallic and biocompatible PEEK™ housing eliminates contamination and interference of metal from the column.
• Stable surface bonding leads to low column bleed and compatibility with MS, ELSD, and CAD® detection.
• Rugged, reproducible column packing.
• Superior performance for analysis of monoclonal antibodies and aggregates, even at low buffer concentrations

