New smart tools for the TLC lab

8 Dec 2006

smartACCESSORIES from CAMAG of Switzerland is a new line of intelligent TLC and HPTLC tools designed to simplify and speed up thin-layer chromatography analysis and at the same time make R&D and routine lab work more reliable and efficient.

smartCUT is available immediately and smartALERT rolls out in February 2007.

Small-format pre-coated layers are frequently used for method development and pre-testing. smartCUT was designed to cut these TLC/HPTLC plates easily and precisely, and slices through glass plates up to 3 mm thick without damaging the sensitive layer. The size required can be read off directly from the scale and the tool saves material costs by eliminating off-cuts.

smartALERT monitors the solvent front while TLC/HPTLC plates are developed in a conventional glass chamber. The tool emits an acoustic and visible alert when the mobile phase reaches the desired developing distance. Which means lab staff no longer need to oversee development and can use their time more constructively. What's more, plate development is always absolutely spot-on: over-development, plus the costly and time-consuming repeat processes it entails, is now a thing of the past. smartALERT is designed to work with TLC/HPLTC glass chambers up to 20x20cm and is battery-powered.

