New Superior Spun Bonded Cartridge Offered by Amazon Filters

20 Feb 2019
Matthew Horan

Amazon Filters has introduced a new variant of its VisClear spun bonded cartridge as a superior alternative filter solution for manufacturing processes using resin bonded filter cartridges.

While resin-bonded filters have traditionally been a product of choice because they can withstand high differential pressure and temperatures, increasingly health and safety considerations are driving users to look for alternatives. Whatever the operating conditions of your production processes, Amazon Filters can offer different configurations of its VisClear cartridge filter to protect your processes without needing to change your existing filter housings.

VisClear spun bonded filter cartridges have been specifically designed to operate in the chemical processing and manufacturing industries. Manufactured using Amazon Filters unique fiber processing system, they offer controlled performance and minimal fiber shed – an absolute requirement in the world of high-tech chemistry. Offering a high void volume and integral support core for maximum strength, VisClear filters show excellent performance in terms of life and cost effectiveness. The superior structure of VisClear filters is ideal for high temperature, high viscosity applications, and will remain integral even under severe operating conditions and is not prone to fiber shed.

Amazon Filters is not only able to provide existing users of resin-bonded filter cartridges with full technical assistance to choose the best replacement product from its portfolio but is also able to look at quickly manufacturing new product variants for specific problems.

