New Te-Care™ Service Contracts for Detection Instruments

26 Aug 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Tecan has recently expanded its range of Te-Care™ Service Contracts with two new options designed specifically for users of Tecan detection instruments. Te-Care Check and Te-Care Depot Repair help to reduce instrument downtime and to ensure reliability of results.

Te-Care Check offers on-site operational qualification (OQ) of instrument performance, reducing downtime by ensuring consistent performance and instrument reliability through regular maintenance and function checks. Te-Care Depot Repair provides a cost efficient repair service at a Tecan technical center, which includes parts and labor, eliminating unbudgeted service expenses. Shipping arrangements are straightforward and the customer has the option of a loaner instrument.

Reliable operation of laboratory equipment is vital to the efficiency and smooth running of any laboratory. Covering your Tecan instrument with a Te-Care Service Contract helps to reduce instrument downtime and to ensure reliability of results. All services are provided by Tecan’s broad network of experienced and certified field service specialists, guaranteeing the high level of service that Tecan customers have come to expect.

