New Thermo Scientific Titan3 Syringe Filters Offer Fast and Cost-Effective Sample Extraction
11 Dec 2013
Thermo Fisher Scientific is pleased to announce new membrane options in its family of Thermo Scientific Titan3 syringe filters. They complement existing solvent and sample compatibility choices by accommodating a wider range of application requirements.
The new options include 0.22µm and 0.45µm hydrophilic PTFE membranes in 17mm and 30mm syringe filter formats. They allow use of both organic and aqueous solvents without pre-wetting the membrane. This removes the need for multiple membranes and can reduce processing steps, helping users to simplify workflows.
Titan3 syringe filters are designed for clean, fast, robust and cost-effective sample extractions, resulting from low extractible membranes combined with an easy-to-use format and high burst pressures. They are used to extract valuable analytes from a wide variety of liquid matrices containing undissolved particulates prior to downstream analysis.