New Urine Analysis Kit Available For Capillarys From Sebia UK

21 Nov 2006

Separation of urine and immunotyping by capillary electrophoresis are now available as new applications for the fully automated Capillarys from Sebia UK.

The presence of monoclonal free kappa or free lambda light chains (Bence Jones proteins) in urine is a valuable aid in the diagnosis and monitoring of multiple myeloma. Capillarys provides increased resolution in the detection and identification of these proteins over traditional methods. A full urine immunotyping profile is obtained using Ig G,A,M,K,L antisera.

Clear results curves from Capillarys are easily interpreted using the latest patented Phoresis software to determine abnormal bands within the urine electrophoretic pattern. Overlay of the reference pattern helps visualisation and characterisation of the suspected monoclonal component. Serum control samples or the corresponding patient serum can be overlaid onto the urine results to aid diagnosis.

Preparation of the urines samples is easy on Capillarys. Neat urine samples are centrifuged and any possible interfering salts removed in a simple dialysis/washing step. Samples can be stored for up to a week at +4ºC or at -80ºC for a month.

