New Zebron™ Drug-1 GC Column Provides Fast, High-Resolution Testing for Drugs

11 Dec 2008
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

Phenomenex, Inc. introduces the Zebron ZB-Drug-1 column for fast GC analysis for drugs of abuse. The Zebron ZB-Drug-1 is a unique new mid-polarity phase that provides 30% faster run times than existing technologies and delivers improved resolution for drugs of abuse. THC, Benzoylecgonine, Barbiturates, and 6-MAM are all complete in 3 minutes. Other common drugs of abuse also have fast run times on the Zebron ZB-Drug-1 GC column, such as 4 minutes for Amphetamines, 4.5 minutes for Opiates, 2.0 minutes for Methadone, and 5.0 minutes for Benzodiazepines.

Many drugs of abuse are difficult to separate because they have similar structures. The Zebron ZB-Drug-1 column’s unique phase is able to resolve compounds that typically coelute on standard GC phases. Since the Zebron ZB-Drug-1 column separates all common drugs of abuse, it eliminates the need to use multiple GC column phases for analyses, saving laboratories time and money. It also improves separation of drugs from common matrix interferences present in biological samples.

Zebron's unique deactivation procedure improves peak shape for acidic and basic drugs, enabling more accurate quantitation and reliable results. These columns are durable with MS-certified bleed levels that increase detection limits.

The Zebron ZB-Drug-1 is featured in the guide for Improved Forensic Methods for Toxicology Analysis.
Find out more, click on the request more information link on the right or visit the company website.

