New Zebron™ MultiResidue™ pesticide GC Column Phases

8 Nov 2006
Kerry Parker

The Zebron™ MultiResidue™ columns represent a solution for all classes of pesticides analysis. The columns were developed using two new stationary phases that are unlike any commercially available today. Each phase was optimized to resolve a different set of analytes, however both are good for a wide variety of pesticides.

Zebron MultiResidue columns provide baseline resolution of all EPA Method 8081A chlorinated pesticides in less than 10 minutes. In calibration curves ranging from 5 to 250 ppb, the columns provided results that far exceeded the EPA requirements for percent breakdown of DDT and Endrin, linearity (% RSD), and resolution of critical isomers.

Both columns are MS certified, so they can also be used with GC/MS for multi-residue pesticide methods. The unique selectivity offered by each phase allows for increased resolution of critical compounds vs. standard 5ms type phases. Retention time data is available for over 300 different pesticides on GC/MS, further simplifying new method development.

Because of the uniqueness of these new phases, they may also offer benefits to additional application areas. Phenomenex has evaluated the phases for resolution of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), demonstrating unique selectivity for certain critical isomers. Additional work is ongoing to explore the full range of applications that can benefit from these phases. To learn more about these new columns, please contact Phenomenex.

