Next-Generation NanoLC-Ultra™ Provides High Pressure Capability for the separation of Complex Peptide Mixtures

8 Feb 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Eksigent, a developer of advanced low-flow fluid delivery technologies for drug discovery and other life science applications, introduces a new proteomics system that delivers gradient precision at high pressures of up to 10,000 psi - twice the pressure of the company's other Nano-LC instruments. The NanoLC-Ultra is ideal for the chromatographic separation of complex peptide mixtures. It can be used with longer columns than previous systems and also accommodates columns packed with smaller particles.

The NanoLC-Ultra features self-priming and -purging pumps for easy solvent changes as well as a temperature-controlled column compartment that maintains retention time reproducibility. The NanoLC-Ultra can operate in a "peak parking" mode, with the flow rate temporarily decreased, to facilitate longer mass spectrometry interrogation of the analyte.

"The demand for higher resolution peptide separations in proteomics research is ongoing," commented Remco van Soest, product manager for Eksigent. "Eksigent leads the latest technology trend by bringing higher pressure capability to nanoLC-MS applications."

By eliminating flow splitting, Eksigent's proprietary Microfluidic Flow Control (MFC) technology generates accurate and reproducible flow rates with a resolution of more than 1 nl per minute. The Eksigent control software includes integration drivers for the most widely used mass spectrometry programs including Thermo Scientific Xcalibur™, Bruker HyStar® and Applied Biosystems/MDS SCIEX Analyst®.

The NanoLC-Ultra is ideal for peptide/protein identification, phosphopeptide analysis, biomarker discovery and metabolomics research. Several configurations of the NanoLC-Ultra are available, including one- or two-dimensional systems. An isocratic loading pump is also available on either system for sample enrichment experiments in which sample is loaded onto a trap column prior to analysis on the NanoLC column.

